Jul 26, 2024  
2015-2016 Saint Joseph’s College Online 
2015-2016 Saint Joseph’s College Online [Archived Catalog]

Bachelor of Science, Interdisciplinary Studies (BS, IDS)

Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) Overview

Saint Joseph’s College’s General Studies program is undergoing an exciting redesign change. General Studies is phasing into an Interdisciplinary Studies program. This new program is designed to provide students with opportunities to study within and across academic disciplines, as well as offer enriching and integrated learning experiences.  The experiences and insights gained in Interdisciplinary Studies may assist students to further a number of their personal, professional, and academic goals. 

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) program replaces General Studies. Current General Studies students who are interested in and eligible may transfer to the Interdisciplinary Studies program.

Overall Requirements for the IDS program (Applicable for students who apply on or after July 1st and for individuals who are interested and eligible to transfer into the program):

Minor Requirement

As part of the IDS program, Baccalaureate students will complete two approved minors from the approved program areas listed below and additional requirements


Approved Minors for Bachelor of Science,  Interdisciplinary Studies (BS, IDS)
Minors Courses / Credits

Accounting Minor   (with MAcc Fast Track potential)

  • BS, IDS 
8 courses, 24 credits

Adult Education and Training Minor  (with Fast Track to Masters of Science in Education)

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Business Administration Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
8 courses, 24 credits

Criminal Justice Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Human Services Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Psychology Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Health Administration Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Long Term Care Administration Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Senior Living Leadership Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

IT Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
8 courses, 24 credits

Theology Minor  

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits

Theology Minor   (with Fast Track to Masters of Art in Theology)

  • BS, IDS 
6 courses, 18 credits required for the minor.  For those interested: up to 4 additional courses (after completing minor requirements).

In addition to the minor(s), all students in the IDS program will complete two required courses.  These courses will assist students to prepare for the IDS program and integrate their learning experiences.

Required courses for Interdisciplinary Studies
Courses Credits Notes
IDS Foundational Course  3 credits Students can take the foundational course  after they successfully complete College Writing.
IDS Capstone  3 credits The capstone course is taken after at least 54 credits have been completed toward the Associate’s degree.  For stduents pursuing the Bachelor’s degree, the capstone is taken after 112 credits have been completed.



Students Pursuing Bachelor’s Degrees in IDS (detailed requirements):

Students who would like to pursue the Bachelor of Science, IDS must have at least 42 or more credits available in minor subject areas at SJC, above and beyond General Education requirements. *Students who do not meet this requirement can complete one minor and the two required IDS courses.* Requirements for completing the degree program are described below.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science, IDS
Requirements Notes
  • Complete two of the approved minors (minimum of 36 credits).
Up to two-courses transferred from another college (6 credits) can be applied to each minor requirement.
  • Complete the online IDS Foundational and Capstone courses (total of 6 credits).
Students can take foundational course after they successfully complete College Writing.  The capstone course is taken after at least 112 credits have been completed.
  • Meet all other degree requirements, including the completion of General Education courses.