Apr 19, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Saint Joseph’s College Online Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Saint Joseph’s College Online Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Continuing Education Courses

Continuing Education


  • TH 13 - World Youth Day: The Mission Experience

    For over 30 years, the Church invites its youth from all over the globe to celebrate their Catholic heritage at World Youth Day. Implemented by Pope Saint John Paul II, this unique pilgrimage affords youth opportunities “to examine their deepest aspirations, to heighten their sense of belonging to the Church, to proclaim their common faith in the crucified and risen Christ with increasing joy and courage” (World Youth Day VIII Message). This Continuing Education Unit presents materials on the role of missionary discipleship, the essential nature of accompaniment, and the importance of collaboration as the means to prepare communities for this special celebration.

    Assignment Overview
    6 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Discover the importance of an evangelizing presence in the 21st century.

    2. Understand the importance of the baptismal call to be missionary disciples.

    3. Describe the charisms of missionary discipleship and relate them to specific lay saints.

    4. Identify the different ways of collaborating and recognize the importance of Christcentered collaboration.

    5. Distinguish between the roles of an event coordinator and a pilgrim leader.

    6. Connect the importance of encounter, accompany, and send to ministry work.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 14 - Catholic Political Responsibility: Building the Kingdom of God

    The American political climate is becoming more polarized. In the midst of this political tension, Catholics have a moral duty and baptismal responsibility to study the issues, pray, and vote based on conscience (c.f. Gaudium et spes, no. 75). The Church may not endorse specific candidates or political parties; it does, however, advise Catholics on core Catholic Social Teaching principles (e.g. human dignity, solidarity, care for common home) that may be addressed within specific local, state, and national issues.

    This continuing education unit discusses Pope Francis’ call for Catholics to engage in missionary action to continue building the kingdom of God through an evangelizing presence and political engagement. Students will review the importance of the New Evangelization, understand how one’s call to be a missionary disciple affects one’s personal and public life, and develop a pastoral outreach media piece to help inform others on specific local, state, and national issues.

    Assignment Overview
    5 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Define the term New Evangelization.

    2. Examine how the New Evangelization is a “re-proposing of the Gospel”.

    3. Review specific selections from Sacred Scriptures and Magisterial documents pertaining to evangelization and political outreach.

    4. Assess current pastoral programming specifically toward Catholic Social Teaching principles.

    5. Differentiate between evangelization and “de-evangelization” encounters.

    6. Analyze the two “feet” of justice: social justice and charitable works.

    7. Design a faith-formation media outreach program for a specific local, state, or national political issue.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 15 - The Catechism for Catechists

    The Catechism for Catechists is an online non-credit course for students at any level that provides intellectual formation for catechists and can serve idealy as the doctrinal component for diocesan catechist certification programs. For those serving as parish catechists or teaching the Catholic faith in the Catholic school system, as well as those interested in general adult faith formation or RCIA, it enables students to develop an understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith.

    Assignment Overview
    6 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    1. Understand and articulate the foundations of Catholic doctrine;
    2. Converse on matters of Sacred Scripture;
    3. Differentiate between missions and natures of the Trinity and the Church;
    4. Explain the liturgy and the sacraments;
    5. Discern the different aspects of Catholic spirituality;
    6. Understand and articulate Catholic moral teaching.

    Credits: 0
  • TH 16 - Ministry and New Media

    “Keeping the doors of our churches open also means keeping them open in the digital environment so that people, whatever their situation in life, can enter, and so that the Gospel can go out to reach everyone” (Pope Francis’ Message on XLVIII World Communications Day). Engagement in the 21st century requires knowledge about different media platforms and understanding how to leverage specific media to design ministry opportunities and build an online evangelization presence. Moving from maintenance to mission asks baptized Christians to collaborate with their communities in their outreach toward not only their religious community, but also the greater world.

    Assignment Overview
    6 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Define “New Evangelization”.

    2. Trace the “call to evangelize” through specific Magisterial documents.

    3. Explore and evaluate popular social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube).

    4. Review current communications guidelines from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

    5. Develop or re-design a specific social media strategy for ministry.

    6. Learn ways to schedule posts and engage social media followers.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 17 - Marriage and Family Life

    “Christian marriage is a genuine call from God which demands careful discernment, constant prayer and adequate growth and development,” notes the Synod of Bishops in Relatio Finalis (57). Marriage is the beginning of a journey, the journey of a couple together.

    This course introduces participants to Church teachings exploring the role of marriage in modern society. Focus will be placed on how marriage is vocational and a place of evangelization. Participants will assess current parish programming for couples, engage in a sacred art application of 1 Corinthians 13, and produce an intergenerational evangelization audio-visual resource.

    Assignment Overview
    5 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Develop an understanding of the marriage vocation through historic and theological contexts.

    2. Reflect on specific Magisterial documents whose focus is on marriage and family (Amoris Laetitia, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Familiaris Consortio, and Caritas in Veritate).

    3. Discuss current programming for dating, engaged, and married couples.

    4. Understand how the sacrament of marriage is rooted in the relationship of the Holy Trinity.

    5. Reflect upon 1 Corinthians 13 through a Sacred Art Exploration exercise.

    6. Identify challenges that may occur within marital life, specifically about procreation.

    7. Develop and design an evangelization media resource on marriage and family specifically for your community’s needs.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 18 - Philosophy for Catholic Theology

    Within the parameters of the Catholic Faith, this course is to provide an introduction to philosophy, in particularly its relation to and central role in understanding theological concepts and terms. A historical survey will provide insight into the development of philosophical thought. The basics of Aristotelean/Thomistic logic will provide the groundwork for critical thinking and reasoned arguments. A concise presentation of the main branches of philosophy will be presented, followed with an understanding of the human person. Finally, as an application, various points of ethics will be covered along with selected issues that challenge the faith in the contemporary cultural.

    Assignment Overview
    12 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    1. Identify and articulate the particular goals of both philosophy and theology, where they converge and contrast, and the harmony between them as a mutual pursuit of truth.

    2. Become familiar with the major branches of philosophy, and understand the basic questions they seek to satisfy relative to their field of study.

    3. Be introduced to the major philosophical figures of the ancient world, and recognize how Christianity ‘baptized’ their reasoning in and through the Christian Middle Ages.

    4. Recognize the critical turn of modern philosophy beginning in the 17th century, and through the Enlightenment its effect on contemporary culture, particularly towards an understanding of the human person.

    5. Navigate and disentangle the erroneous conflicts between faith and reason and in recognizing both the foundations and strengths/weaknesses of an argument, apply that knowledge in presenting the Christian faith to the present culture.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 23 - Care for Our Common Home

    From the beginning of Creation, God tasks humanity “to cultivate and care for” the Earth (Genesis 2:15). Humanity, therefore, receives the gift of stewardship. In this divinely appointed role, according to Pope Francis, “we can see God reflected in all that exists, [and] our hearts are moved to praise the Lord for all his creatures” (Laudato Si, 87). This stewardship role will be explored first through the missionary lens before investigating how it applies to the care for our common home. Participants will review the specific language of Laudato Si and discover a specific application to astronomy. Participants finally will design an Opus Laudis (Work of Praise) to discuss how they will put the teachings of Laudato Si into practice.

    Assignment Overview
    5 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Recognize the importance of an evangelizing nature.

    2. Investigate the formation dimensions (human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral).

    3. Define the term the New Evangelization.

    4. Understand the historical development of the term: New Evangelization.

    5. Trace the history of Church teaching centered on being stewards of Creation.

    6. Discover that both faith and science are conversations about the Universe.

    7. Plan an Opus Laudis (Word of Praise) for putting the teaching of Laudato Si into practice.

    Credits: 0

  • TH 24 - Ministry and the Importance of Self-Care

    Encouraged by Pope Francis’ invitation “to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, styles and methods of evangelization”, faith communities are embracing new, innovative ministry programs while revising current programming (Evangelii Gaudium, 33). This renewal of missionary vigor often leads to increased workloads, and self-care is usually the first personal item sacrificed. This Continuing Education Unit therefore begins with understanding the role of Lay Ecclesial Ministry and its challenges before delving into an exploration of the essential need for self-care. The main goal will be to develop proactive strategies to prevent burnout in a Personal Self-Care Plan.

    Assignment Overview
    6 Lessons - Pass/Fail

    Course Learning Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

    1. Trace the history and role of Lay Ecclesial Ministers within Magisterial documents and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ materials.

    2. Reflect on personal formation as a Lay Ecclesial Minister.

    3. Identify and evaluate cultural challenges faced within ministry work.

    4. Investigate different modes of a ministry of presence.

    5. Explore strategies for spiritual and emotional self-care to support healthy, sustainable ministry.

    6. Learn skills for building personal resilience and preventing ministry burnout.

    7. Collaborate with peers in online discussion boards.

    8. Research and design a personal plan for self-care.

    Credits: 0