Students with intellectual disability who are enrolled in Saint Joseph’s Integrated Studies (IS) Program will progressively develop skills each semester. Skill development will be achieved through academic exploration, meaningful employment opportunities, and the development of proper communication skills. Additionally, students will demonstrate independent living and enhance their technological skills. The long-term goals of the IS program include increasing students’ independence both academically and personally, expanding their employment experience through meaningful community opportunities, and deepening their self-awareness of their own potential.
Students enrolled will work collaboratively with faculty, staff, and peers to establish a person-centered academic path. This will include auditing courses, participating in internships, developing individual interests, and setting future employment goals. At the end of a student’s experience, they will earn a non-credit certificate in Integrated Studies. As part of their academic experience, students will develop a portfolio which will be a culmination of their highlighted work. Additionally, they will leave SJC with a college transcript outlining their academic courses and internship experiences.
During their enrollment at SJC, students in the IS Program will be expected to integrate into the community. They will have meals with peers in Pearson’s Cafe, actively engage in clubs/activities, and gain independence by participating in our Resident Living experience.
For more information about the Integrates Studies Program, visit our SJC website or learn more at ThinkCollege. If you have questions are interested in learning more, please email