Jan 28, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

College Policies & Procedures

Click on any of the following links for information:

Program Load

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Students registered in 12 semester credits or more are classified as full-time.  To meet the minimum 120 credit requirement for graduation, the normal course load taken by full-time students is 15-16 semester credits.  The maximum course load is 19 semester credits. The number of credits permitted each term depends upon the courses selected and the scholastic ability of the student.

Students who meet the following criteria may take a maximum of 20 credits:

  • Second and third-year students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher may take 20 credits in any given semester.
  • Any fourth-year student with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher may take 20 credits.

Students will be assessed additional tuition charges for each credit over the 19 credit maximum. 

Credit Hour

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Federal regulation defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than: (1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. 

Classification of Students

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Matriculation Status: Students who have satisfied the admission requirements and are following a prescribed program of studies toward a degree.

First-year: Those who have completed fewer than 28 semester hours of college work.

Second-year: Those who have completed at least 28 semester hours of college work.

Third-year: Those who have completed at least 60 semester hours of college work.

Fourth-year: Those who have completed at least 90 semester hours of college work.

Unclassified Students: Those who wish to pursue particular studies without following the prescribed courses for a degree. College credits will be given if the student fulfills entrance requirements.

Part-time Students: All students taking fewer than 12 semester hours in any regular term.

Admittance to Class

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Only students who are registered and whose names are on the class list issued by the Office of the Registrar may be admitted to a class.


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Students are expected to be present at all their regularly scheduled classes. A student is either in class or is marked absent regardless of the reason for the absence. An absence from any class may only be deemed excusable by the instructor of the course, not an administrative office. Students should refer to the course syllabus for the class attendance policy. In the event of prolonged illness, accident, or similar emergency, the Office of Academic Affairs should be notified, and the faculty member will be advised.

When in the judgment of the faculty member a student’s absences threaten to lower the student’s academic achievement or lead to failure, a written warning may be given to the student by the faculty member. Copies of this warning shall be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs and to the Office of the Registrar. Students in danger of failing should be advised to make an appointment with their faculty advisor, the Registrar, or with the Office of Academic Affairs for counseling and guidance.

If the pattern of unsatisfactory work caused by absence continues despite this warning, the faculty member may recommend to the Office of Academic Affairs that the student be withdrawn from the course with the grade of WF. If approved, the WF grade will be entered on the student’s official transcript and is so computed.

If a faculty member is late to class, students are required to wait 10 minutes. If at the end of that period, the faculty member has not arrived, the students present must sign their names on a record sheet and give it to the Office of Academic Affairs.

College Policy Concerning Cancellations of Classes

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In unusual circumstances which necessitate the closing of Saint Joseph’s College, the Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for making the determination and notifying the community by 6AM on the day of the cancellation of classes.To ensure that you receive timely notification of campus emergencies and security alerts, we encourage all members of the campus community to regularly review and update their contact information. 

STUDENTS: Review your personal information, (including emergency contacts), on Pinestand.

FACULTY/STAFF: Review your information and update, (if necessary), in ADP.

In the event of a storm and late opening of the College, students will be expected to attend their scheduled classes that have at least 30 minutes remaining in the class period when the College opens, as well as all subsequent classes, unless canceled by the instructor. 

In instances of hazardous weather when the college remains open, faculty and students should use discretion in the decision to commute during such conditions. 

Individual class meetings may occasionally be canceled by the instructor. In these circumstances, the instructor should notify the students and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Policy on Transportation

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Students are responsible for providing their own transportation for any off-campus course-related experiences, e.g., internships, clinical experiences for nursing students, field experience or student teaching.

Add/Drop and Withdrawal

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Students may add or drop courses during the first five days of the new term. This is referred to as the “Add/Drop Period.” The dates are published yearly in the Academic Calendar . During this time, students make schedule changes directly online in Pinestand.

Important: Students should always review schedule changes with their faculty advisor. For courses dropped during the Add/Drop Period, no notations will appear on the students’ permanent academic records. After the Add/Drop Period, and through the seventh week of the term, no courses may be added. However, students with written approvals may withdraw from courses and receive grades of “W” which are not computed into student GPAs. After the seventh week of the term, students may withdraw from courses with the written approvals, but these withdrawals will result in failing grades of “WF” which are computed in the students’ GPA. 

Audit Policy

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Students who register to audit a course receive no credit for the course but have “Audit” recorded on their transcripts. Audit status will not be assigned once the term begins. 

Integrated Studies Program Audit Policy

Integrated Studies students who register for a course will receive no credit for the course but have “Audit” recorded on their transcripts provided they meet the modified expectations of the course. Collaboration between the professor/instructor of record, the Integrated Studies staff and the Office of Academic Affairs will determine if the student made academic progress equivalent to meeting 75% of their goals throughout the course. If academic progress is not made, the audit will not appear in the student’s academic record.

Final Examination Policy

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A final examination is ordinarily given for each course during the final exam days scheduled by the college. Students shall take final examinations as scheduled except for the following situations. 

  • Final examinations and other class-related activities are not to be scheduled on Reading Day. Students who have three or more final examinations on one day may choose to take the middle examination at an alternate time mutually acceptable to the student and the faculty member. Students who wish to do this must consult the appropriate faculty member as soon as possible, but no later than two weeks before the last scheduled class. 
  • Students who have a serious illness or personal emergency should call the Office of Academic Affairs as soon as possible to discuss the situation. If the final examination may be missed, the Office of Academic Affairs will consult with the appropriate faculty member. If the request is approved, the student should then contact the faculty member as soon as feasible to schedule the final examination at a mutually acceptable time. 
  • Transportation or vacation issues are not considered valid reasons to alter the final examination period. 

Grading system

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The following system of grading is used by Saint Joseph’s College:

Letter Grade   Quality Points   Numerical Equivalent
A   4.0   93-100
A-   3.7   90-92
B+   3.3   88-89
B   3.0   83-87
B-   2.7   80-82
C+   2.3   78-79
C   2.0   73-77
C-   1.7   70-72
D+   1.3   68-69
D   1.0   63-67
D-   .7   60-62
F   0   Below 60
F   Failure. This grade is calculated into the GPA.
P   In some cases a student may choose to take a class Pass/Fail. P reflects a grade of 73 or higher.
I   Incomplete. An “I” that is not removed six weeks after the examination period becomes an “F”.
W   Withdrew from class within a period of no penalty.
WF   Withdrew from class after the last day to withdraw without penalty. This “WF” is calculated into the GPA.

At midterm, the faculty member advises students who are failing or in danger of failing.

Description of Letter Grades

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A   Excellent. Superior command of subject matter and performance in course requirements (e.g. examinations, written assignments, projects, oral presentations, class participation).
B   Good. Above average command of subject matter and performance in course requirements.
C   Satisfactory. Average command of subject matter and performance in course requirements.
D   Low passing. Marginal command of subject matter and performance in course requirements.
F   Failing. Insufficient command of subject matter and performance of course requirements.

Some departments may set minimum passing grade standards that are higher than D.

Incomplete Grades

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Incomplete grades are generally given only in cases of illness or emergency. It is the responsibility of the student to request an incomplete course grade from the faculty member teaching the course. Forms may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs. A request for an incomplete grade form signed by the faculty member, the student, and the Office of Academic Affairs must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in order for an “I” grade to be assigned. A grade of Incomplete reflects an agreed upon course of action between a faculty member and a student to complete the course within the designated time frame. Course work must be completed six weeks from the last day of class. If course work is not completed within this time, a grade of F will automatically be assigned. Under special circumstances, students may petition the Office of Academic Affairs to extend the time limit in which course work may be completed.

Quality Points

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The number of quality points earned in a subject is determined by multiplying the point value of the grade earned by the number of semester hours of credit.

Term Grade Point Average

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The total number of quality points earned in a term divided by the total number of credits in which a student is enrolled yields the grade point average.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

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This value is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total credits taken. Both quality points and credits must be taken through the College to be used in this calculation. If a student receives a failing grade in a course at the College and retakes that course at another institution, neither grade counts in calculating the cumulative grade point average.

The cumulative grade point average determines the student’s academic standing at every point.

Grade Reports

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Students can access their final course grades via Campus Cafe approximately two weeks after the end of each term. Grade reports will only be mailed to students upon request. Grade reports and transcripts are not accessible to students who have an unpaid balance.

Request for Review of Course Grade

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When there is a discrepancy between the final grade the student thinks they have earned and the final grade received in a course, the student is encouraged to seek an acceptable resolution through a discussion with the faculty member of the course as soon as possible.  Any change in grade is to be submitted by the faculty member in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs.

If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, a student may initiate a formal appeal only if there is a valid basis or clear evidence for an appeal.  Specifically, the student must demonstrate that the final grade was assigned as a result of:

  1. A computational error,
  2. Grading criteria were applied in a manner that treated the student differently than the others in the same course and section,
  3. Unreasonable or unannounced changes made to the assignment, grading criteria or computational process,
  4. A grading decision is made on some basis other than the student’s academic performance.

A student may initiate a formal appeal no later than 15 calendar days after the first official day of classes in the semester following the one in which the grade was received.

Steps in the formal Grade Appeal Process:

  1. The student files an appeal using the Student Request for Review of Grade form available on the Registrar’s forms’ webpage or through the Office of Academic Affairs.  The student must submit the completed form to the Office of Academic Affairs with all supporting documentation which includes, but is not limited to, the course syllabus and all graded assignments.
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs forwards the written appeal to the faculty member for evaluation.
  3. The faculty member has one week to respond to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  4. The Office of Academic Affairs informs the student in writing of the decision.
  5. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the Office of Academic Affairs may convene the Academic Review Committee.  It consists of three members of the faculty, one of whom is a member of the Educational Standards Committee.  The recommendation of the Academic Review Committee is submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  6. The Senior Vice President of Learning and Programs makes the final decision normally under the recommendation of the faculty or, if necessary, the Academic Review Committee; filing the final decision with the Registrar and informing the student in writing.

Repeat Course Policy

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Students may repeat courses taken at Saint Joseph’s College if the initial grade for a course is lower than a C- or fails to meet the minimum grade requirement by the student’s academic program of study. In most cases, courses may be repeated once at SJC and once elsewhere (for three attempts). Nursing students may only repeat nursing and required courses in the major once at SJC or elsewhere. (See the Nursing Student Handbook). 

All course attempts and final grades earned at SJC appear on the student’s academic transcript. Only the higher grade is used in calculating the cumulative grade point average. Pursuant to the College’s transfer credit policy, courses repeated at other institutions do not calculate into a student’s grade point average. Credit for a course toward graduation will be given only once, even if the course is passed more than once. 

Students requesting to repeat a course to improve a grade must receive written approval from their academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day of the Add/Drop period.

Students who have graduated cannot file requests for retroactive grade replacements and cannot replace the grades in courses taken prior to graduation. 

Repeating a course may affect financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the Office of Financial Aid.

Directed Study

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A Directed Study course is designed to substitute for a traditional catalog course that is not offered in the semester for which a student wishes to enroll. The material covered is fundamentally the same as that covered in the traditional course. The credits assigned for the directed study course will be equal to the credit value of the traditional course for which it is a substitution. A Directed Study class size will not exceed three students. The Directed Study Form must be completed with approval signatures from the supervising faculty member, the department chair, and the Office of Academic Affairs. 

To qualify for a Directed Study, the student must meet the following conditions: 

  • The course must be required for the student’s major/minor 
  • The course will not be offered during the upcoming fall/spring semester or there is a schedule conflict between two required courses; delaying the student’s degree completion. 

Independent Study

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Independent study is designed to enable a student with demonstrated proficiency to work individually on a project or a reading program. One to four credits may be earned by independent study. Such a program should be carefully worked out by the student in consultation with the faculty member under whose direction it is to be carried out. The Independent Study Form must be completed and the project plan must be approved with signatures from the supervising faculty member, the department chair, and the Office of Academic Affairs.

To qualify for an Independent Study, the student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Enrollment in an Online Course

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Students enrolled in a campus-based program may request to enroll in one SJC Online course per semester based on course availability and capacity.

To request enrollment in an online course, students must meet the following criteria: 

  • Must be a second, third or fourth-year student, priority will be given to graduating fourth-year students. *Class level requirement waived for summer semester enrollment only 
  • Must meet GPA requirements - 2.5 or higher.
  • May be approved for only one (1) online course in the Fall semester and March term. 
  • May enroll in two (2) online courses (based on availability) in the Summer Semester with the faculty’s advisor permission 
  • Must pay additional tuition charges for each credit over the 19 credit maximum (Fall semester). Must pay Summer Semester online course tuition at the time of course registration. 
  • Must agree to all of the stated deadlines & policies for online course enrollment.

Students should discuss all course options with their on campus faculty advisor in advance of submitting an online course request form. Students can access and submit a request via the Online Course Registration Request Form. Note: All fields must be completed, and the faculty advisor’s email must be entered to submit this request. 

SJC Online Course Policies 

Course Progress - Students must maintain regular, active participation for the duration of their course(s) and are expected to submit assignments according to the syllabus, course schedule, or established due dates. Please review SJC Online Attendance & Participation Policies for more details. Coursework is to be completed in Brightspace.

Drops & Withdrawals - Students cannot drop or withdraw from online courses through Pinestand. Online course withdrawals must be requested through the online Academic Advisor that you worked with to enroll or by contacting onlineadvising@sjcme.edu.

Progress check-ins - Students are urged to respond to check-ins in a timely manner. This is to ensure access to available resources and to encourage successful course progression.


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Students may order a Saint Joseph’s College transcript online at the Registrar Office’s Transcript Request page.  The fee is $8 per transcript. Transcript requests are normally processed within 1-3 business days of receipt of the request. Transcripts are available to students provided there are no outstanding debts in the student’s name.

Taking Courses at Other Institutions

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With the permission of the faculty advisor/chair and the Office of the Registrar, a student may take a course at another accredited institution in order to make up a course missed, provided the content of the course is deemed to be equivalent to that offered at Saint Joseph’s. A grade of C or above must be achieved. Only the credits, not the grade, are transferred.

Transfer Students

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Transfer students must maintain a cumulative average of 2.0 or above for course work in the baccalaureate program and must earn at least 30 semester hours at the College.

Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress

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Full-time matriculated students are in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress in their degree program when they meet or exceed the cumulative credit and grade point averages listed below. The benchmarks are listed for the end of the academic year. Note: Failure to maintain “good academic standing” can impact financial aid and athletic eligibility and the ability to remain enrolled at Saint Joseph’s College.

At Completion of Year
of Attendance
Class Level Minimum Cumulative
Earned Credits
Minimum Cumulative Required
Grade Point Average Required
1 First-Year * 28 1.75
2 Second-Year 58 2.0
3 Third-Year 90 2.0
4 Fourth-Year 120 2.0

*First-year students are defined as entering undergraduates who have never attended an institution of higher education. 

Failure to maintain academic standing will result in the loss of a student’s ability to utilize VA education benefits.

Academic Probation

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Students incur academic probation when their cumulative grade point average falls below the acceptable minimum standard:

  • for the first and second term of the first year - 1.75;
  • for the first term of the second year - 1.85;
  • for the second term of the second year and for each succeeding term - 2.0.

Academic probation is a warning and an opportunity to improve.  Students placed on academic probation are required to meet with an academic support advisor from the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) to develop an academic plan for improvement that will place them back in “good academic standing.”  They may also be required to complete directed study hours in the Academic Center for Excellence weekly throughout the given semester.

Students placed on academic probation are expected to meet the minimum required cumulative grade point average for their class level during subsequent semesters in order to remain enrolled at Saint Joseph’s College.  A student must attain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in order to graduate.

Academic Warning

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Students, whose semester GPA falls below a 2.0, who are not placed on academic probation or who are not academically dismissed from the college will receive an official academic warning notice.

Students receiving an academic warning notice are required to meet with an academic support advisor from the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) to develop an academic plan for improvement.

Academic Dismissal

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A student in a 4-Year College program who has been on probation for two terms and has not reached the required minimum cumulative GPA (see Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress) is subject to academic dismissal from the College. If the student’s progress at another institution indicates the promise of future success at Saint Joseph’s College (demonstrated by the successful completion of a minimum of 12 credits), the student may apply for readmission.

A student who fails three courses in any term at the College is also subject to academic dismissal from the College unless the cumulative grade point average was 2.5 or better prior to the semester in which the three courses were failed. In this instance the student may request to remain at the College but will be restricted to twelve credit hours for the next term. Other conditions may also be imposed by the Office of Academic Affairs.

A fourth-year student who fails three courses and has a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.5 may be allowed under certain circumstances to continue a program of study subject to conditions determined by the Office of Academic Affairs.

Leave of Absence

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Leaves of absence for one or two semesters are granted to students in good academic and disciplinary standing, who determine that circumstances necessitate a temporary interruption of their college careers. Authorization for such an absence is granted by the Office of Academic Affairs, upon receipt of the student’s written notification of intent. Carrying with it the intention of returning to Saint Joseph’s College, a leave of absence guarantees readmission to the College.

Students on leave of absence may, with approval of the Office of Academic Affairs, take courses for transfer credit at other accredited institutions of higher learning.

Military Service Leave

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Students are allowed to withdraw from the College and receive 100% remission of tuition and fees and a prorated refund of room and board charges (less any financial aid which the students may have earned for the term) upon presenting an original copy of their orders to the Registrar. Alternatively, incomplete (I) grades in all classes, with no tuition and fee reimbursement, may be more appropriate when the possible withdrawal is after the last day for withdrawal and Incompletes are agreed to by the faculty member(s) and the student, and approved by the Office of the Registrar. However, if the student chooses to withdraw from only a portion of his/her/their classes and receives Incompletes in the remaining classes, he/she would be charged at the prevailing part time tuition and fee rates if the remaining credit hours are fewer than 12. If the student is an aid recipient and his/her/their enrollment status changes, e.g., from full-time to part-time, eligibility for aid will be recalculated. In either of these alternative cases, the student will receive a prorated refund of room and board charges and be allowed to complete the coursework according to the established policies of the College and the agreement with the faculty member(s) involved. If students are called to military service they will be guaranteed readmission back to their academic status when they were called to duty.

Academic Honesty

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All members of the Saint Joseph’s College community are expected to adhere to the principles of academic honesty central to the College’s mission. Plagiarism, collusion, falsifying the results of one’s research, cheating on examinations and any form of misrepresenting one’s own work - including the use of artificial intelligence (AI), purchasing papers, or other methods of taking credit for work not done by the student - or collaborating in the misrepresentation of another’s work, are contrary to the traditions and goals of the institution. Instances of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and/or academic sanctions. 

Students are expected to cite any sources upon which their work is based, through the use of bibliographical lists, footnotes, endnotes, and the like, and to document all uses made of the content, style, conceptualization, organization methods, and factual material of others, or of other work produced by the student. The Statement on Plagiarism is available in the Office of Academic Affairs. 

Procedure in Cases of Academic Dishonesty

When a breach of the Academic Honesty Policy is suspected (or determined), the faculty member shall contact the student and discuss the details of the charge. Subsequent disciplinary action shall be at the discretion of the faculty member.

For a minor violation, the faculty member shall either:

  1. decide to take no further action, or
  2. require that the student’s work be resubmitted with appropriate changes, or
  3. lower the grade for work submitted.

Beyond a minor offense, the faculty member shall either:

  1. assign a failing grade for the work submitted, or
  2. assign a failing grade for the course.

When either of these last two options is chosen, then notification, along with supporting documentation, should be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs, where a record of the infraction will be kept. Depending on the particulars of the case and/or the student’s prior history of infractions, the Senior Vice President of Learning and Programs may decide to extend the sanction to include:

  1. temporary suspension from the College; or
  2. permanent expulsion from the College.

A student accused of academic dishonesty may appeal his/her/their case in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs, who will then convene the Academic Review Panel. The role of this Panel is to evaluate the accusation in light of the circumstances bearing upon the case, and then to advise the Senior Vice President of Learning and Programs. The decision of the Senior Vice President of Learning and Programs shall be final.


Occurs when a person uses the words, ideas, opinions, research, or creative expressions of another as if they were his/her/their own. 

Plagiarism can take many forms. One common type of plagiarism occurs when a person uses an other’s words without adding quotation marks around the words and clearly stating the source. The words of another may be used only when both of these conditions are present (quotation marks and clear citation of the source). Not using quotation marks implies that the words are the student’s. 

Another common example of plagiarism is when an individual uses another person’s ideas or opinions and expresses them in his/her/their own words (called paraphrasing) but fails to cite the source. Although in this case, the words may be the students’, the ideas have been borrowed from another, and that borrowing must be acknowledged. 

Plagiarism can involve unacknowledged borrowing from any number of places, including published articles, a classmate’s paper, graphs, charts, the Internet, or a video production. To take anything owned by another without proper acknowledgment is theft, and plagiarism is intellectual theft. Plagiarism occurs in research papers through failures of documentation, but it also can happen in class reports, essays, tests, and in any other situation in which a student may use the words or ideas of another. 

Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity; it always involves deceit, whether that deceit is intended or not. Ignorance and carelessness sometimes lead to plagiarism, but they are not acceptable excuses. Each individual student has the responsibility to understand and avoid plagiarism. Opportunities to learn about the proper use of documentation is included in numerous courses throughout various programs. 

Change in Curricular Requirements

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The College reserves the right to change the course and credit hour requirements of any or all academic programs when such modifications are deemed necessary. All students must comply with the new requirements insofar as such modifications pertain to courses and/or credit hours yet to be completed.


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The College reserves the right to dismiss a student when the quality of scholarship does not meet the required standards or when the student’s conduct is contrary to the purposes and ideals of the College. Students dismissed for disciplinary reasons are not allowed to make up graded work.

Educational Rights and Privacy Policy

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the Registrar and clearly identify the part of the record they want to be changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his/her/their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his/her/their tasks.

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her/their professional responsibility.

The College may disclose appropriately designated directory information without written consent, unless you have advised the Registrar of your request not to have directory information released without your consent. This is accomplished by submitting an “Access to Student Records” form to the Registrar. The following data has been designated as Directory Information at the College:

  • the student’s name, address, telephone listing and e-mail address
  • date and place of birth
  • major field of study
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • the weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees and awards received
  • the most recent previous educational institution attended.
  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605


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The College’s commitment to non-discrimination and anti-harassment applies to all Saint Joseph’s College (“the College”) faculty, staff, students, College contractors, and visitors. The College is committed to providing equitable and inclusive opportunities and an educational and work environment free from any discrimination or harassment. 


Saint Joseph’s College confers degrees three times a year: May, September, and December. The college’s annual commencement ceremony is held each May. To be eligible to participate in May Commencement Exercises, students must: 

  • submit an Application for Graduation no later than March 1
  • complete all degree and graduation requirements prior to Commencement or 
  • be within eight (8) credits of degree completion with plans to complete remaining credits by the end of August of the same year and receive approval from the Office of Academic Affairs. 

Honors and Awards

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Graduation with Distinction

Graduating seniors are cited for graduation honors on their transcript and diploma. Students with at least 63 credit hours earned at Saint Joseph’s College who have achieved a cumulative index of 3.90-4.0 graduate summa cum laude; those with a cumulative index of 3.70-3.89 graduate magna cum laude; and those with a cumulative index of 3.50-3.69 graduate cum laude. Students who have earned between 54 and 62 credit hours at Saint Joseph’s College and who have achieved a cumulative index of at least 3.50 graduate cum laude. The cumulative index for the purpose of graduation with distinction is based on the student’s record at Saint Joseph’s College.

The valedictorian of the class is ordinarily the fourth-year student who has attended Saint Joseph’s College for eight (8) consecutive semesters and has earned at least 120 credits at Saint Joseph’s College, with the highest cumulative index based on the first seven (7) semesters’ grades.

Dean’s List

A student in good standing at the end of the term who has attained an average of 3.5 or better and has completed successfully all courses for which the student is registered with no grade less than a B- is placed on the Dean’s List. The student must have been carrying a course load of 14 credits minimum.

Honor Societies

Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national scholastic honor society for students of Catholic colleges and universities, has been represented at Saint Joseph’s College since 1950 by the Beta Omicron Chapter. Membership in Delta Epsilon Sigma is based on leadership, service, superior achievement in the student’s academic program, the completion of 60 credits or more at Saint Joseph’s College, 3.65 average or better, and the student’s indications of future creditable use of that achievement in bringing the principles of a sound Christian philosophy to bear effectively upon the problems of modern free society.  In order to be considered for membership, a student must complete the application process within the specified time frame.

Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honor society. The purpose of the society is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. The society seeks to bring students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.

Sigma Beta Delta is the international honor society for business.  The society encourages and recognizes scholarship and academic accomplishment among students of business, management and administration and promotes aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to mankind.

Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society, was established to confer distinction for high achievement in English language, literature and writing. It is dedicated to fostering literacy, and all aspects of the discipline of English.

Sigma Theta Tau International is the honor society of nursing and exists to promote the development, dissemination and utilization of nursing knowledge. Sigma Theta Tau is committed to improving the health of people worldwide by increasing the scientific base of nursing practice. In support of this mission, the society advances nursing leadership and scholarship, and furthers the utilization of nursing research in health care delivery as well as in public policy.

The Kappa Zeta Chapter-at-large of Sigma Theta Tau was chartered at Saint Joseph’s College in April 1988. To be eligible for membership, undergraduate Nursing students must have at least a 3.0 GPA and be in the top 15% of the junior class or top 35% of the senior class.

Extended Remote Learning Plan

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It is possible that a public health or other type of emergency may disrupt or close on-campus activities for an extended period of time during the course of an academic term.  In this situation, following guidance from public health and/or emergency management authorities, the College would transition from in-person teaching to remote learning.  The College recognizes the importance of continuing education for our students while ensuring their safety and well-being.  

Should an extended campus closure occur, course delivery will continue using remote instruction technologies and communication platforms, specifically Brightspace and Google suite.  Instructors will communicate regularly with students via Brightspace and/or email.  Students should take books and other instructional materials with them if leaving campus is deemed necessary.  Student support offices will be available to assist and accommodate students who encounter challenges as they transition to remote learning.  Academic support services will continue to be available.

Instructors reserve the right to modify syllabi in the case of an emergency or closure. The College upholds academic integrity standards in remote learning. Students are expected to complete all assignments and assessments independently and honestly.