Jan 25, 2025  
2017-2018 Saint Joseph’s College Online 
2017-2018 Saint Joseph’s College Online [Archived Catalog]


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Online Undergraduate & Graduate Programs

  • Degrees are conferred three times a year.

  • Eligible students must fill out the graduation application, complete all program requirements and have a final course end date on or before the deadlines listed below.

Online Undergraduate & Graduate Programs

Graduation Deadlines & Conferral Dates

End Date on or Before:

Application for Graduation Deadline

Conferral Date

December 24, 2017

October 1, 2017 December 30, 2017

April 26, 2018

March 1, 2018

May 12, 2018

August  24, 2018

March 1, 2018

September 1, 2018

Online Master of Science in Nursing- Family / Individual Across Lifespan Nurse Practitioner Program

  • Degrees are conferred four times a year.

  • Students must complete all program requirements and apply for graduation by the deadline dates listed below.

Online Graduate Family / Individual Across Lifespan Nurse Practitioner

Graduation Deadlines & Conferral Dates


End Date


Application for Graduation Deadline


Conferral Date

October 24, 2017

October 1, 2017

November 30, 2017

January 26, 2018

October 1, 2017

February 28, 2018

April 26, 2018

March 1, 2018

May 12, 2018

July 24, 2018

March 1, 2018

September 1, 2018

The Saint Joseph’s College commencement ceremony is held on May 12, 2018 at the Sebago Lake campus.  Students are encouraged to attend the commencement exercises on campus in the spring, and will receive details about obtaining their diploma, activities and events, upon successful completion of all degree requirements. Please visit the website for more detailed information about commencement exercises: https://www.sjcme.edu/academics/calendar/graduation/.


  • Successfully complete all degree program course requirements and credits, as outlined in the catalog, by the deadline dates listed above.

  • Have an end date on or before the dates listed above

  • Complete and submit a graduation application by the dates listed above.

  • Settle any outstanding financial obligation with the college.

Online Undergraduate GPA Requirement:

  • Degree program cumulative minimum GPA of a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

    • RN-Bachelor of Science in Nursing students are required to obtain a minimum program cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

  • Degree major and/or minor cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

    • RN-Bachelor of Science in Nursing students are required to obtain a minimum letter grade of C+ (78) in all Nursing core requirements.

Online Graduate GPA Requirement

  • Degree program cumulative minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

  • Satisfactorily complete all degree program requirements with a minimum letter grade of C  in each course.

    • Master of Science in Nursing students must satisfactorily complete all degree program requirements with a minimum letter grade of B in each course.

Honors — Graduating with Distinction (undergraduate candidates only)


Graduating seniors are cited for graduation honors on their transcripts and diploma. Undergraduate degree students with at least 63 credit hours earned at Saint Joseph’s College who have achieved a cumulative index of 3.90-4.0 graduate summa cum laude; those with a cumulative index of 3.70-3.89 graduate magna cum laude; and those with a cumulative index of 3.50-3.69 graduate cum laude. Undergraduate degree students who have earned between 54 and 62 credit hours at Saint Joseph’s College and who have achieved a cumulative index of at least 3.50 graduate cum laude. The cumulative index for the purpose of graduation with distinction is based on the student’s records at Saint Joseph’s College.

Honor Societies


Delta Epsilon Sigma

Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national scholastic honor society for students of Catholic colleges and universities, has been represented at Saint Joseph’s College since 1950 by the Beta Omicron Chapter. Membership in Delta Epsilon Sigma is based on leadership, service, superior achievement in the student’s academic program 3.5 average or better based on a minimum of 63 semester-hour credits of Saint Joseph’s College courses only, and the student’s indications of future creditable use of that achievement in bringing the principles of a sound Christian philosophy to bear effectively upon the problems of a modern, free society.

Sigma Theta Tau International

Sigma Theta Tau International honor society for nursing students has been represented at Saint Joseph’s College since 1987. Saint Joseph’s College Department of Nursing is one of three colleges forming the local chapter Kappa Zeta Chapter at Large. The mission of the Honor Society of Nursing is to support the learning, knowledge, and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. Membership in Sigma Theta Tau International is by invitation only. Invitations are extended each spring based upon leadership, service, and superior achievement in the student’s academic nursing program. Online undergraduate students must have no more than 16 credits remaining in their program and must hold a minimum GPA of 3.0. Online graduate students must have no more than 20 credits remaining in their program and must hold a minimum GPA of 3.5.


Transcript Request


For information on how to request an official Saint Joseph’s College transcript, please access the following link: https://www.sjcme.edu/academics/student-resources/transcript-request/